March Update!

There’s been a lot going on behind the scenes recently. We’ve submitted the second stage of a bid to the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority’s Brownfield Housing Fund, and are hoping to start site shortlisting and feasibility work on city centre sites should this be successful, alongside getting support from the Confederation of Co-operative Housing to help us create a besoke development appraisal tool. Social enterprise Studio Polpo have also secured funding from the Sheffield Town Trust to boost their in-kind support of the CLT and help us run open events to increase membership, and we are hoping to start on a process of working with a diverse range of groups in the city centre to widen participation and membership. As we explore how we move from a steering group to a more formal board we’re keen to hear from anyone with skills, time or interest to join in.

We’re also been exploring research and knowledge transfer opportunities and research links with both the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University, and are excited to be working with their paid internship schemes this year.

Finally please take a minute to answer our questionnaire if you haven’t already!

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