Sheffield CLT in The Star

Sheffield Community Land Trust


Sheffield CLT was recently featured in local newspaper The Star, with founding members Cristina and Rupert speaking about the importance of including local citizens in the development process rather than leaving it to profit-seeking companies to shape the city.

“Are we going to be creating real neighbourhoods or just boxes, with little communal space, where most people don’t even know the person living next door? Is it really OK to run to outside developers and for Sheffield’s homes to be held by absentee landlords? We don’t think so. We think we need to find a way to do it ourselves. 

A Community Land Trust would let local people choose the type of homes they think are needed in their city. It would enable them to get involved with the buildings in which they live, making them more likely to engage long-term with the community. It’s healthy, it’s interactive and it’s an economically stable way of doing things.”

Read the full story here.

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